Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do Now 5/19

Gangs of today are not really how they used to be before. They are suppose to stand for loyalty respect and honesty. In this generation the gangs dont really stand for that , they just stand for violence & territory. Some of the famous gangs that i know are trinitarios, D.D.P , Latin kings,Mx 13, Bloods, crips ,Mafia, Colombians,Hells Angels, kkk

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vocabulary ch.6

Apathy- uncaring.
This picture shows apathy because the girls
expression in her face shows the she does not care
about anything or anyone.

Cynical- doubtful

In this picture the face expression is doubtful.

Snowball Speech :]

Napoleon , What kind of leader is he ? You ask me and today i'm here to unmask the monster that he truly is. I , Snowball should be the leader for I am faithful to all you comrades standing here . Napoleon is not faithful to you for he is a thief, he takes the hens eggs to trade them off for money. He is also a liar because when he takes advantage of you he makes up a poor excuse which you guys believe.
What he did is not right because he actually murdered nine hens to get what he wants. He also steals the apples to put it in his own food. This shows that he is an uncaring person because he takes things for himself. He does not show that he really cares about you comrades.
If I were leader I would not steal from you . I would try very hard to get money to feed all of us without having to sell what is yours. For example we could harvest crops and sell them. I would do many things to assist and improve this farm. If I was Napoleon i would take all your belongings and trade them to get what i want and needed.
So as you can see i would be a preferable leader to this farm. I would help out in many ways , this would be a very powerful farm because of me. Comrades just think about your decision and do what is best. I advice you to think wisely because if you pick the wrong decision it might just end up destroying what you been working so hard for .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guided Reading Ch.7

1. They used it to trade for money to buy food.

2.He began to gain more power.

3. The eggs threatened him that they would get rid of the eggs.
Then he killed nine hens.

4. He blamed snowball , he wanted to get rid of snowball.

5. The reason why is because clover began to sing.


retinue- group of people live advisers or assistants
This picture connects to the definition because the girl is an assistant and she is helping out the doctor.

tumult- a loud noise or commotion.
This picture shows a riot. This is a connection
to the definition because it is an example of a

lurking - hiding .
This picture connects to the definition because t cat is hiding and that is the definition of the word.