Friday, June 4, 2010

Do Now 6/4

No i don't agree with it entirely because many of the people who say this actually do judge people.
This shows that many people are hypocrites because they are doing what they say others shouldn't do. You can't really make a correct judgment on firsr appearance because you have to get to know someone you will truly know how they are. Some peoples appearance might be different then their personality.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do Now 5/19

Gangs of today are not really how they used to be before. They are suppose to stand for loyalty respect and honesty. In this generation the gangs dont really stand for that , they just stand for violence & territory. Some of the famous gangs that i know are trinitarios, D.D.P , Latin kings,Mx 13, Bloods, crips ,Mafia, Colombians,Hells Angels, kkk

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Vocabulary ch.6

Apathy- uncaring.
This picture shows apathy because the girls
expression in her face shows the she does not care
about anything or anyone.

Cynical- doubtful

In this picture the face expression is doubtful.

Snowball Speech :]

Napoleon , What kind of leader is he ? You ask me and today i'm here to unmask the monster that he truly is. I , Snowball should be the leader for I am faithful to all you comrades standing here . Napoleon is not faithful to you for he is a thief, he takes the hens eggs to trade them off for money. He is also a liar because when he takes advantage of you he makes up a poor excuse which you guys believe.
What he did is not right because he actually murdered nine hens to get what he wants. He also steals the apples to put it in his own food. This shows that he is an uncaring person because he takes things for himself. He does not show that he really cares about you comrades.
If I were leader I would not steal from you . I would try very hard to get money to feed all of us without having to sell what is yours. For example we could harvest crops and sell them. I would do many things to assist and improve this farm. If I was Napoleon i would take all your belongings and trade them to get what i want and needed.
So as you can see i would be a preferable leader to this farm. I would help out in many ways , this would be a very powerful farm because of me. Comrades just think about your decision and do what is best. I advice you to think wisely because if you pick the wrong decision it might just end up destroying what you been working so hard for .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Guided Reading Ch.7

1. They used it to trade for money to buy food.

2.He began to gain more power.

3. The eggs threatened him that they would get rid of the eggs.
Then he killed nine hens.

4. He blamed snowball , he wanted to get rid of snowball.

5. The reason why is because clover began to sing.


retinue- group of people live advisers or assistants
This picture connects to the definition because the girl is an assistant and she is helping out the doctor.

tumult- a loud noise or commotion.
This picture shows a riot. This is a connection
to the definition because it is an example of a

lurking - hiding .
This picture connects to the definition because t cat is hiding and that is the definition of the word.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Independent Reading

The book i read was Giving up the "V". In the pages I read she was in the doctor's office waiting for him to go in. She was talking about how it was her 16th birthday and had to spend it in their getting her vagina checked. Her mom had a rule that once her daughters turned 16 they would have to use birth control. She thought it was nonsense because she was still a virgin.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Marys View of a Perfect World

You have just entered Desire, a world full of wonders. This isn't just any regular world it represents the way life should really be,its basically living life as an utopia. My world has seven basic rules to follow. In life these seven rules should be follow to contribute to this planet and make it an even better one. Everything is never perfect but sometimes imagining it was makes me believe there can be changes.

My first rule would be respect the people who surround you. Having respect for others is one of the most important things because if you don't respect others how do you expect to respect yourself. One of the reasons why is because you have to give to receive and in this case it is to be respected. An example of this is when you meet a person and you introduce yourself you wouldn't want them to ignore you, that is a way of showing disrespect. Another example that happens very often is guys calling girls inappropriate names. In my opinion i find this the worst disrespect because if they are calling a girl an inappropriate its like their disrespecting their own mother.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Do Now 4/26

I would follow Snowball because he is not evil. He represents Trotsky and i believe in what Trotsky wrote in his books. His beliefs were right and what Stalin was doing was wrong , he murdered people to gain power and that is just plain wrong.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Book Thief

The narrator of this book is death. In the beginning he describes how death feels.
This book happens during the holocaust because it talks about a Jewish person. Dathe describes that he likes darkness and chocolate. I think that chocolate in this book might mean blood. One of the reasons why i think that is because blood can be similar to blood in a way.

Do Now 3/29/10

I like to read certain things that are interesting to me. If they make me read something i don't like i wont be into the book as much as I would if I was reading a book i really liked. I am interested in comedy and romantic novels sometimes i like reading horror.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reflection Journal 85-97

Reading these few pages it makes me realize that sometimes friends could be more trustworthy than family. The betrayal between a father and son or mother and daughter is one of the worst betrayals in my opinion. I rather help out my father and just go ahead and leave him behind because the guilt will eat me alive. I think Elie is a good person for not telling him this " but then i remembered something else: his son had seen him loosing ground, sliding back to the rear of the column." This shows the greediness in his son while his father was jostling and looking for him like crazy.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflection Journal 77-84

Throughout this reading Elie is in the infirmary due to his foot swelling. He had to get it operated. The patient that was next to him was described as just skin and bones which meant he was very weak. He began to talk about how they would kill one from the infirmary if a new patient came in due to the small amount of room" don't rejoice to soon, son.Here too there is selection. In fact, more often than outside. Germany has no need of sick Jews ". This made Elie begin to think if the man was just lying or trying to tell Elie to leave so he could save himself. Rumors began that the Red army was getting closer and that the camp would be evacuated except for the infirmary. He thought they would be left to die so he left to talk to his father. He ended up evacuating with the other Jews. His selfishness probably led to his fathers death because he says that after the war he had learned that the jews in the infirmary were freed. His dad would of survived if Elie made him stay .

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Resurrected means to come back from the dead. Its like to be reborn after death. In my opinion i think Elie would want his family to be resurrected to be able to reunite with all his loved ones. He would probably want to spend the time he never spend with them before they died.This picture shows when god came back to life after he was crucified .


Oppressors is like a person who pressures another to do something. Elie's oppressors were the Nazi because they put the Jews in concentration camps and made them work without pay. This picture shows people having to work.

Reflection Journal 66-77

Reading those few pages many events happen. Ellie was separeted from his father and put in another Kommado. A kommado is another building where the jews were put in. He was examined and whoever wasnt strong enough their numbers would be written down they said nothing would happen to them " But ....sir. They did write me down!" After the examination him and his fathers met up somewhere and his father gave him some bread and rubber. They talked for a while that they had both passed the test. The bell rung and he went to his Kommado to go to bed. During this event he talks about how this is already a normal routine for him and that the bells almost control his life. This shows me that his hope of ever getting out of their has slowly faded away.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reflection journal pgs 54-65

These few pages they begin hanging people. They describe how their faces look with no emotion. He explains how no one had tears in their eyes. "In the Appelpatz, stood a black gallows" that is where the people were killed. What he saw must have traumatized him for life and him writing about it shows how much strength he has for being able to publish this book.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

my weekend

My weekend has been great so far. On friday some of my family came and slept over. So on saturday i woke up and we all went downtown because we were having a party at my granpas house. The reason for the party was because his wife's daughter , brother, and her grandsons had all came from d.r for the first time. The party was pretty fun a bunch of my family members went. My dad got drunk it was pretty funny.
Today im going to my little cousins birthday party. The weather today is pretty good so im in a good mood to go out and plus want cake :). Well i hope nothing ruins whats left of my weekend. Im going to have to stop now because i have to go bye !

Friday, March 5, 2010

super powers

If i could have a super power it would be to fly. I would want to fly because i like to see new things. I would travel the world and go to new places. The first place i would go is to the dominican republic to visit my grandmother and my family. I would also go to paris because i always dreamed of going their.
The reason why i would want to fly is because i love to explore and meet new people. Traveling is what i do best so that is another reason why i decided to pick that as the power i would pick.