Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflection Journal 77-84

Throughout this reading Elie is in the infirmary due to his foot swelling. He had to get it operated. The patient that was next to him was described as just skin and bones which meant he was very weak. He began to talk about how they would kill one from the infirmary if a new patient came in due to the small amount of room" don't rejoice to soon, son.Here too there is selection. In fact, more often than outside. Germany has no need of sick Jews ". This made Elie begin to think if the man was just lying or trying to tell Elie to leave so he could save himself. Rumors began that the Red army was getting closer and that the camp would be evacuated except for the infirmary. He thought they would be left to die so he left to talk to his father. He ended up evacuating with the other Jews. His selfishness probably led to his fathers death because he says that after the war he had learned that the jews in the infirmary were freed. His dad would of survived if Elie made him stay .

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